ID Service Rate per 1000 Min order Max order
88 Telegram Followers 1.2469 500 100 000
41 Telegram Post Views (1 post) 0.011 10 500 000
►Put the link to the post
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 5-50k/Day
►Useful for attracting audience.
97 Telegram Post Views (Last 20) 0.80 100 160 000
103 Telegram Post Views (50 Future Posts) 1.785 100 2 000 000
86 Telegram Followers (real, active) 23.00 100 50 000
98 Telegram Post Reactions + Views [Positive] [Mixed 👍🤩🎉🔥❤️] 0.1403 10 50 000
159 Telegram Post Reactions + Views [Positive] [Mixed 👍🤩🎉🔥❤️] 0.1403 10 50 000
160 Telegram Post Reactions + Views [Positive] [Mixed 👍🤩🎉🔥❤️] 0.1403 10 50 000
161 Telegram Post Reactions + Views [Positive] [Mixed 👍🤩🎉🔥❤️] 0.1403 10 50 000
102 Telegram Poll Votes 0.5313 10 300 000
Enter the Text of Poll in the "Answer Number" field which you want get votes for.
Example vote: Yes Or No Poll
Type Yes in the Answer to get votes for Yes
149 Телеграм combo package /Followers+rections+views+comments/ (1 package=10$) 10000.00 1 50
-200 real followers
-1000 reactions on different posts
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people
-Post views
1 package price-15$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)
►Start Time = 0-8 hours
►Work duration = 3-5 days
►The activity comes from real, mostly Russian-speaking accounts
►The likes and comments are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
77 Instagram followers (worldwide)🔥🔥🔥 1.7934 10 5 000 000
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 300-20000/Day
►Useful for account organic growth and attracting the target audience.
10 Instagram Likes 0.0425 10 1 000 000
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 200-4000/Day
►Will stay on your posts forever
►Useful for account organic growth and attracting the target audience.
107 Instagram Likes 🇷🇺 2.1263 50 5 000
105 Instagram followers (worldwide) 2 2.0313 10 1 000 000
31 Instagram video views(all types of videos) 0.4346 100 100 000 000
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 2-5k/Day
►Views come from all over the world
►Useful for account growth and attracting the target audience.
123 Instagram video views (🥦reels and other) 0.119 100 100 000 000
90 Instagram Reel Views 0.0099 100 100 000 000
109 🇺🇸 Instagram Followers [USA] 9.35 10 1 000 000
122 🇪🇺 Instagram Followers [EU] 9.35 10 1 000 000
166 Instagram followers (Best quality) (Russian 🇷🇺) 19.00 100 20 000
13 Instagram handwritten comments 70.00 200 2 000
High-Quality handwritten, niche related comments (min. 7-8 words)
►Price = 1 comment =0.027$
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Put the link of the account if you wish to split the comments between different posts.
134 Instagram comments (preset) 10.625 10 50 000
108 Instagram comments (random, positive) 6.75 10 20 000
80 Instagram promotion (1 package=20$) 20000.00 1 40
We will be promoting your Instagram account in similar accounts for 5 days.
The strategy of work is this - we find similar pages and write interesting comments under the posts of these pages, where we mention your page.
As a result, you get an increase in activity on your Instagram page. Possible sales, leads, and other conversions.
The service is very useful for the overall development of an Instagram account and attracting interested people.
Price - 10$
17 Instagram combo package /followers+likes+comments+reels views (1 package=15$) 15000.00 1 20
-200 real followers
-1000 real likes on different posts
-50 shares to different social networks with comments and proper hashtags
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people.
1 package price-15$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)
►Start Time = 0-8 hours
►Work duration = 3-5 days
►The activity comes from real, mostly Russian-speaking accounts
►The likes and comments are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
110 🇷🇺Instagram Лайки + просмотры [Россия] ♻️🔥 3.4425 50 5 000
12 Facebook page likes (followers) 2.232 100 99 999 999
►Facebook profile followers
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 3000-10000/Day
►Useful for account organic growth and attracting the target audience.
27 Facebook post likes 1.6625 50 10 000
►Price = 1 like = 0.0026$
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 200-400/Day
►Likes come from real, mostly Russian speaking accounts
►Will stay on your posts forever
►Likes are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
►Useful for account organic growth and attracting the target audience.
167 Facebook reels likes 1.8144 50 10 000
140 Facebook group members 1.32 100 20 000
29 Facebook video views 1.0625 500 2 147 483 647
* Start Time: Instant
* Example Link
* Stable [Non-Drop]
* Viewer will be added slowly after placing an order.

* No refund, in any case, wrong link, etc.
* If the customer purchases with a non-video link, we will not issue a refund.
⛔ We are not accepting short URLs.
15 Facebook handwriten comments 30.00 200 2 000
High-Quality handwritten, niche related comments from real people (min. 7 words)
►Price = 1 comment = 0.04$
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►40-80 comments/Day
►Put the link of the account if you wish to split the comments between different posts unevenly.
81 Facebook promotion (1 package=20$) 20000.00 1 40
We will be promoting your Facebook account in similar accounts for 5 days.
The strategy of work is this - we find similar pages and write interesting comments under the posts of these pages, where we mention your page.
As a result, you get an increase in activity on your Facebook page. Possible sales, leads, and other conversions.
The service is very useful for the overall development of an account and attracting interested people.
18 Facebook complex promotion(1 package=10$) 10000.00 1 20
-200 real followers
-1000 real likes on different posts
-50 shares to different social networks with comments and proper hashtags
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people.
Price - 10$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)

►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Work duration = 2-3 days
►The activity comes from real, mostly Russian speaking accounts
►The likes and the comments are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
84 Vkontakte Followers 0.6825 20 30 000
24 Vkontakte Likes 0.7225 10 20 000
►Price = 1 like = 0.0026$
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 200-400/Day
►Likes come from real, mostly Russian speaking accounts
►Will stay on your posts forever
►Likes are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
►Useful for account organic growth and attracting the target audience.
25 Vkontakte Followers (active) 12.00 200 12 000
►Suitable for Vkontakte page likes and profile followers and group members
►Price = 1 follower = 0.007$
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 100-200/Day
►Followers are real and active, mostly from Russian speaking countries. Will remain your followers forever.
►Useful for account organic growth and attracting the target audience.
►Other activities are possible. (likes, shares, leads, etc.)
68 Vkontakte video views 0.1275 100 100 000 000
►Price = 1k views /1.8$
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 2-5k/Day
►Views come from all over the world
►Useful for account growth and attracting the target audience.
16 Vkontakte handwritten, niche related comments 70.00 200 3 000
High-Quality handwritten, niche related comments from real people (min. 7 words)
►Price = 1 comment = 0.04$
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►40-80 comments/Day
►Put the link of the account if you wish to split the comments between different posts unevenly.
82 Vkontakte promotion (1 package=10$) 5000.00 1 40
We will be promoting your Vkontakte page/group in similar accounts for 5 days.
The strategy of work is this - we find similar pages and write interesting comments under the posts of these pages, where we mention your page.
As a result, you get an increase in activity on your page. Possible sales, leads, and other conversions.
The service is very useful for the overall development of Vk pages and attracting interested people.
94 Vkontakte Friends/ Profile Followers 2.40 1 000 50 000
9 Vkontakte complex promotion (1 package=10$) 10000.00 1 50
-200 real followers
-1000 real likes on different posts
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people.
1 package price-10$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)

►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Work duration = 2-3 days
►The activity comes from real accounts
►The likes, comments, and shares are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
5 Youtube views(non drop) 0.8794 100 100 000
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 1-4k/Day
►Views come from all over the world
►This service is useful for your channel growth and attracting the target audience.
►The views will not disappear. They will stay forever.
106 Youtube views(non drop) 🔥🔥 1.53 10 000 10 000 000
6 YouТube Likes 0.8925 10 100 000
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Likes come from real accounts
►Will stay on your video foreverl.
►Useful for account organic growth and attracting the target audience.
53 YouТube Channel Subscribers 16.32 100 50 000

►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 30-10/Day
►Followers are real and active.
►Useful for account organic growth and attracting the target audience.
121 Youtube views (High retention, instant start) 🔥 3.1875 100 100 000 000
157 Youtube Comment Likes 1.5232 10 100 000
14 YouTube handwritten niche related comments 70.00 100 1 000
High-Quality handwritten, niche related comments (min. 7-8 words)
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 30-50 comments / day
►Very useful service for organic growth of the account and attracting the target audience.
►Put the link of the channel if you wish to split the comments between different posts.
124 YouTube custom comments ⭐🔥♻️ 6.6096 10 5 000
91 Youtube Watchtime [Max: 4K] 52.0625 50 4 000
Video length should be at least 1 hours+
Starts in 1-2 Hours
Embed must be enabled
up to 8 days to complete.
30 Days Refill!

1000 quantity - 1000 HOURS
2000 quantity - 2000 HOURS
3000 quantity - 3000 HOURS
4000 quantity - 4000 HOURS
93 Youtube Live Stream Views 5.95 1 000 100 000
19 YouTube complex promotion (1 package=10$) 10000.00 1 10 000 000
-3000 video views
-100-300 likes
-30 high-quality handwritten, niche related comments from real people
-20 channel followers
Price - 10$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Work duration = 2-3 days
►The activity comes from real, mostly Russian speaking accounts.
►The service is very effective for channel growth.
Tik Tok
45 TikTok views 0.0085 100 2 147 483 647
92 TikTok Likes 0.51 10 500 000
117 TikTok Followers 6.2883 50 10 000 000
118 TikTok shares 0.3825 10 10 000 000
119 TikTok video saves 0.1913 10 100 000
120 TikTok Comments [Speed: 1K/Hour]🔥 7.4375 10 100 000
141 TikTok Livestream Views 8.425 50 150 000
85 Twitter Followers 8.16 100 100 000
71 Twitter Retweets 1.8063 20 5 000
►Price = 1 like = 0.016$
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 200-400/Day
►Come from real, active, mostly Russian speaking accounts
►Will stay on your posts forever
►The retweets will be distributed randomly across different tweets on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
►Useful for account's organic growth, engagement and spreading your info.
70 Twitter Likes 1.02 100 10 000 000
►Price = 1 like = 0.004$
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 300-400/Day
►Likes come from real, mostly Russian speaking accounts
►Will stay on your tweets forever
►Likes are distributed randomly across different tweets on your account, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
►Useful for account organic growth and attracting the target audience.
72 Twitter complex promotion (1 package=15$) 15000.00 1 70
-100 real followers
-300 real likes on different tweets
-150 retweets of different tweets
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people.
1 package price-15$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)

►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Work duration = 2-3 days
►The activity comes from real, mostly Russian-speaking accounts
►The likes, retweets, and comments are distributed randomly across different tweets on your account, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
Combo packages Instagram,YouTube, Vkontakte, Telegram, Facebook, X
150 🚀 Instagram promotion combo package /followers+likes+comments+reels views/ (1 package=15$) 15000.00 1 20
-200 real followers
-1000 real likes on different posts
-50 shares to different social networks with comments and proper hashtags
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people.
1 package price-15$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)
►Start Time = 0-8 hours
►Work duration = 3-5 days
►The activity comes from real people
►The likes and comments are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
153 🚀 Facebook promotion combo package /Followers+likes+shares+comments/ (1package=15$) 15000.00 1 20
-200 real followers
-1000 real likes on different posts
-50 shares to different social networks with comments and proper hashtags
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people.
1 package price-15$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)
►Start Time = 0-8 hours
►Work duration = 3-5 days
►The activity comes from real people
►The likes and comments are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
152 🚀 Telegram promotion combo package /Followers+rections+views+comments/ (1 package=15$) 15000.00 1 50
-200 real followers
-1000 reactions on different posts
-50 shares to different social networks with comments and proper hashtags
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people.
1 package price-15$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)
►Start Time = 0-8 hours
►Work duration = 3-5 days
►The activity comes from real people
►The likes and comments are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
151 🚀 YouTube promotion combo package /Views+likes+subscribers+comments+shares/ (1 package=15$) 15000.00 1 10 000 000
-Minimum 2000 views on video
-Minimum 50-200 likes
-Minimum 30 quality comments
-Minimum 20-30 subscribers on the channel
1 package price-15$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)
►Start Time = 0-8 hours
►Work duration = 3-5 days
►The activity comes from real people
154 🚀 Vkontakte promotion combo package /Followers+likes+shares+comments/ (1 package=15$) 15000.00 1 50
-200 real followers
-1000 real likes on different posts
-50 shares to different social networks with comments and proper hashtags
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people.
1 package price-15$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)
►Start Time = 0-8 hours
►Work duration = 3-5 days
►The activity comes from real people
►The likes and comments are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
155 🚀 X (Twitter) combo promotion package /Followers+retweets+likes+comments/ (1 package=15$) 15000.00 1 70
-100 real followers
-200 real likes on different posts
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people.
1 package price-15$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)
►Start Time = 0-8 hours
►Work duration = 3-5 days
►The activity comes from real people
►The likes and comments are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
156 🚀 complex promotion /Followers+likes+shares+komments/ (1 package=15$) 15000.00 1 50
-200 real followers
-1000 real likes on different posts
-50 shares to different social networks with comments and proper hashtags
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people.
1 package price-15$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)
►Start Time = 0-8 hours
►Work duration = 3-5 days
►The activity comes from real people
►The likes and comments are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
Instagram Auto Likes
163 Instagram Auto Likes [Refill: No] [Max: 100K] [Start Time: 0-1 Hour] [Speed: 300K/Day] ⚡⛔💧 0.0191 10 100 000
Instagram Reels
129 Instagram Reels Views 0.0055 100 100 000 000
130 Instagram reels likes 0.051 10 300 000
131 Instagram reels comments real (niche related) 47.00 10 9 999 999
132 Instagram Reels comments (random, positive) 6.75 10 20 000
133 Instagram Reels comments (preset) 10.625 10 500 000
Instagram Reach
146 Instagram Reach + EXPLORE Impressions 0.085 10 1 000 000
YouTube Shorts
125 Youtube shorts views 0.45 100 2 147 483 647
126 Youtube Shorts likes 0.4888 10 100 000
127 Youtube shorts комментарии (на тему видео) 52.00 10 2 147 483 647
128 YouТube Channel Subscribers 16.32 100 50 000
138 YouТube Channel Subscribers 4.00 100 500 000
YouTube services 🇷🇺 🇺🇦 🇧🇾
114 🇷🇺Youtube Views [Russia] 3.1875 100 100 000 000
115 🇺🇦 Youtube Views [Ukraine] 3.1875 100 100 000 000
116 🇧🇾 Youtube Views [Belarus] 3.1875 100 100 000 000
Telegram Views
147 Telegram Post Views (1 post) 0.0106 10 500 000
Telegram Auto Views
169 Telegram Auto Views [Refill: No] [Start Time: 0 - 1 Hour] [Speed: 500K/Day] 0.009 100 150 000
Telegram reactions
162 Telegram Post Reactions + Views [Positive] [Mixed 👍🤩🎉🔥❤️] 0.1403 10 50 000
99 Telegram Post Reactions + Views [Negative] [Mixed 👎😁😢💩🤮] 0.1403 10 50 000
100 Telegram Auto Reaction [Positive 👍 ❤️ 🔥 🎉 😁+ FreeViews] [Mix] [50 Future posts] 8.50 20 2 000 000
101 Telegram Auto Reaction [Negative 👎 😱 💩 😢 🤮+ FreeViews] [Mix] [50 Future posts] 8.50 20 2 000 000
Telegram Views [Country Targeted]
143 🇷🇺 Telegram Views [1 Post] [Russia] 0.2125 20 1 000 000
145 🇺🇸 Telegram Views [USA] 0.1063 50 1 000 000
Enter the post link or the channel username
If you enter the channel username, the views will be added to the last post.
If you enter the post link, the views will be added to that post.
171 🇰🇿 Telegram Views Kazakhstan 0.0688 50 10 000
Tiktok Comments
173 TikTok Comment Likes [Max: 100K] [Start Time: 0 - 1 Hr] [Refill: 30D] [Speed: Up to 50K/Day] 💧♻️ 0.2438 50 1 000 000
TikTok Comment Likes
Min: 50 Max: 10000
Service Starting Instant!
Daily Speed : 10K Per Hour
No Drop & 30 Day Refill Guarantee!

Example Link:|username

Write the username of the account that made the comment after the vertical line.
83 Followers / Group members 14.875 20 70 000
►Suitable for Ok.ry page likes and group members
►Price = 1 follower = 0.003$
►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Speed = 100-2000/Day
►Followers will remain your followers forever.
►Useful for account growth.
95 post likes 14.875 20 70 000
104 Shares 14.875 20 70 000
96 complex promotion (1 package=10$) 10000.00 1 50
-200 real followers
-1000 real likes on different posts
-50 high-quality handwritten comments from real people.
1 package price-10$ (put 1 in the "quantity" section)

►Start Time = 0-6 hours
►Work duration = 2-3 days
►The activity comes from real, mostly Russian speaking accounts
►The likes and the comments are distributed randomly across different posts on your page, which affects your account growth more efficiently than if they were distributed evenly.
69 Spotify plays 1.20 100 50 000 000
►Price = 1k views /1.2$
►Start Time = 0-8 hours
►Speed = 1-4k/Day
►This service is useful for your channel growth and attracting the target audience.
►The plays will not disappear. They will stay forever.
148 Spotify Saves [Track/Album/Episode] 0.3613 100 1 000 000
135 Spotify followers 2.10 100 50 000 000
136 Spotify monthly listeners 2.30 100 50 000 000
50 Reddit UpVotes 100.00 5 8 000
- Цена за 1 апвот = 0.10$
- Начало старта = 0-6 часов
- Активность приходит от реальных пользователей.
- Высокое качество, гарантия безопасности,
- Услуга полезна для привлечения целевой аудитории и общего роста аккаунта.
51 Reddit DownVotes 100.00 5 8 000
- Цена за 1 даунвот = 0.10$
- Начало старта = 0-6 часов
- Активность приходит от реальных пользователей.
- Высокое качество, гарантия безопасности,
- Услуга полезна для привлечения целевой аудитории и общего роста аккаунта.
22 Pinterest followers 3.00 50 750 000
23 Linkedin followers 25.00 1 000 5 000 000
Social SIgnal Packages
64 Social Signals - 400 shares of your link (Fb,Tw,ММ,Bk,Ok,LNdn,Pint,Tmblr) -15$ 15000.00 1 1 000 000
400 Social Signals (Fb,Tw,MM,Bk,Ok,LnDn,Pint,Tmblr,Reddit)-Shares of your link with comments and themed hashtags
Price of 1 package - $ 15 (in the "Quantity" field indicate 1)

- Social signals - are one of the ranking factors in search engines.
- Start time = 0-6 hours.
- Running time = 2-3 days.
- Real users share your link to their pages on social networks with text and niche-related hashtags.
- The service will be good for SEO.
- The service is very useful to attract the target audience and improve the position in the search engines for different keywords.
-The service will bring additional traffic to your site for a long time.
-At the end, we provide a report with a list of links to reposts for verification.
Website Traffic
55 Website visits -Traffic[30 days]*100 visitors/day | [30 дней]*100 посетителей в день - 5$ 5000.00 1 10 000
[30 days]*100 visitors/day | [30 дней]*100 посетителей в день - 5$

►Price = 5$
►Start Time = 0-12 hours
►Speed =100 visitors/Day
►Visitors from all over the world
►This service is good for SEO and conversion

►Цена = 5$
►Время начала работы = 0-12 часов
►Скорость = 100 посетителей в день
►Посетители со всего света
► Эта услуга очень полезна для СЕО и конверсии.
32 Tumplr followers 8.00 100 200 000
10k Per Day Speed !
Min = 20
Max = 20K
33 Tumblr likes 5.00 20 20 000
10k Per Day Speed !
Min = 20
Max = 20K
34 Tumblr reblogs 35.00 100 200 000
10k Per Day Speed !
Min = 20
Max = 20K
35 Periscope followers 3.50 1 000 1 000 000
36 Periscope likes 0.80 1 000 500 000
46 Zomato Reviews (5 star) 25.00 1 1
- USE app to send up to 5 Pictures.
- Send Picture Links in the Comment Field.
- Enter Listing Link:
- HQ Accounts
- 5 Stars Review
- In The Comment Field Enter the Review Content You Need !
- Up to 24 Hours to Complete !
- 1 Review Per Order !
47 Zomato Reviews (1 star) 30.00 1 1
- Enter Listing Link:
- HQ Accounts
- 1 Star Review
- In The Comment Field Enter the Review Content You Need !
- Up to 24 Hours to Complete !
- 1 Review Per Order !
48 Zomato Reviews (5 star) + Pictures 30.00 1 1
- USE app to send up to 5 Pictures.
- Send Picture Links in the Comment Field.
- Enter Listing Link:
- HQ Accounts
- 5 Stars Review
- In The Comment Field Enter the Review Content You Need !
- Up to 24 Hours to Complete !
- 1 Review Per Order !
49 Zomato Reviews (1 star) + Pictures 35.00 1 1
- USE app to send up to 5 Pictures.
- Send Picture Links in the Comment Field.
- Enter Listing Link:
- HQ Accounts
- 1 Star Review
- In The Comment Field Enter the Review Content You Need !
- Up to 24 Hours to Complete !
- 1 Review Per Order !
89 Clubhouse followers 14.28 100 1 000
165 Upvotes [REAL] [Refill: 30 Days] [Max: 7K] [Start Time: 1 Hour] [Speed: 100/Day] ♻️ 9.0625 10 10 000
- Speed up to 100 per day! (With a large volume faster)
- After the start, the order is not possible to cancel

Important = Only refill - No partial No refund

Start here

Telegram-@SmmStudia / Skype-SmmStudia 
 +1(918) 578-4788

© smmstudia llc - all rights reserved 2023